Oct. 04, 2021 by Will Jones – Director of External Communications First district-based commercial greenhouse in nation to grow “salad bowl” items...
Wellness Stories
Denver Public Schools Gardens Grow Produce for our Community
Our gardens have never produced more food for our students, schools and community than the summer of 2021. Working alongside community partners...
Garden of Youth Marks it’s 10th Anniversary
Interns at Maxwell ES tend the garden while learning job skills. After cancelling all summer programming in 2020 due to COVID-19, Garden of...
Volunteers Make all the Difference in our Gardens
As COVID-19 continued to impact our schools and gardens through summer 2021, volunteers and community partners rose to the occasion, coming together...
Maxwell Elementary receives Westerra grant
Jessie Whaley Maxwell Elementary School received a Westerra Credit Union grant to renovate the school garden and add perennial fruit and vegetable...
Gigia Kolouch – Nutrition & Garden Champion
Dec 16th, 2020 – Gigia Kolouch – Sustainability Champion The Sustainability Champion series highlights the people forging garden and sustainability...
Honey Bees at School
Honey bees are crucial for many important agriculture crops but are threatened by a variety of environmental threats, including climate change and...
Chickens at Schools
Are you interested in having chickens at your school? Chickens provide a great learning opportunity for students to connect to nature and where...