Dive into the Sustainability Team’s fall newsletter to learn about the exciting climate action updates happening at Denver Public Schools! Packed...
Career & Curriculum Stories
Earth Month Bingo Contest
Looking for a fun and active way to engage students and staff for Earth Month? Invite them to play the Earth Month Bingo contest! Get five in a row...
Spring Updates and Events
Read the Sustainability Team's spring newsletter to learn about all things DPS and Earth Day. And if you haven't already, sign up to receive DPS...
Attend the DPS Climate Summit on April 19
Whether you're a seasoned sustainability champion or new to the game, all are invited to learn and fight for a sustainable future at the second...
New Year, New Climate Action
The Sustainability Team's first newsletter of the new year is now available and full of exciting climate action highlights, sustainability...
Congratulations to DPS’ First Climate Champions!
The DPS Sustainability Team partnered with Denver's Office of Climate Action, Sustainability and Resiliency on the first-ever Climate Champions...
Spring Updates & Events
Read the spring Sustainability newsletter here, and learn about: DPS students featured in an Education Week...
Winter Sustainability Newsletter
The Winter 2022 Sustainability Newsletter is out. Our team manages utilities for the district, works to reduce our resource consumption by...