Sustainability Actions
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At School
At Home
At The Office
Small steps come together to make a difference, and with nearly 90,000 students and 15,000 staff, the DPS community has an opportunity to make a world of difference. Everyone plays a role in creating a healthy, livable future, and it’s easy to take sustainable actions no matter where you live, work, and play. The lists provided here are meant to support you in applying sustainability to your daily life. Do the parts that make sense for you. Sustainability is a lifestyle and it takes time to form new habits. We look forward to supporting you as you see fit!
Lets Take Action!
The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step
Things You Can Do at School
Recycle right, compost correctly, and use Denver’s Waste Directory if you’re not sure how
Avoid wasting food
Walk, bike, scoot, carpool or take public transit
Pack lunches in reusable bags and containers
Explore Meatless Mondays and use locally grown produce
Join your school’s sustainability club, or contact the DPS Sustainability Team to start one
Take a nature-inspired field trip
Read books about sustainability
Turn off the lights when you’re the last to leave a room
Reuse school supplies from previous semesters
Contact the DPS Sustainability Team to host a waste audit, start a school garden or sustainability club.
Reduce phantom load by unplugging electronics or use a power strip
Don’t idle vehicles in front of schools
![School-[Converted] Lake Middle School](
Things You Can Do at Home
Use your voice!
Contact your elected officials
Vote in every local, state, and national election
Vote with your dollars
Buy ENERGY STAR or WaterSense-labeled products
Buy products made with recycled content
Buy locally made products
Buy cleaning products that meet EPA’s Safer Choice Standard
Buy products in glass instead of plastic
Buy used
Power your home with renewable energy
Schedule a free Home Energy Squad visit through Xcel Energy
Take advantage of Denver Water and Xcel Energy rebates for efficient products
Take time to experience and connect with nature
Connect with the Denver Climate Action, Sustainability & Resiliency department’s resources
Connect with DPS Sustainability and DPS Gardens on Instagram
Recycle right, compost correctly, and use Denver’s Waste Directory if you’re not sure how
Halt junk mail
Bring reusable bags to the store
Use package-free or plant-based products
Reduce single-use plastic
Use environmentally friendly cleaning and laundry products
Reduce phantom load by unplugging electronics or use a power strip

Things You Can Do at the Office
Recycle right, compost correctly, and use Denver’s Waste Directory if you’re not sure how
Walk, bike, scoot, carpool or take public transit
Print only what you need, and do so double-sided in black and white
Turn off lights when not needed
Avoid idling DPS vehicles
Have conversations with coworkers and leadership to promote sustainability
Support sustainable vendors
Bring a reusable mug, water bottle, napkin, and towel
Move to paperless workflows
Buy only the amount of supplies you need, and buy eco-friendly products
Stock the breakroom with reusable dishes and silverware
Take the stairs instead of the elevator
Reduce phantom load by unplugging electronics or use a power strip
Explore Meatless Mondays and use locally grown produce