Built Environment Initiatives
Reduce overall greenhouse gas emissions by at least 90% by 2050.
Map Highlight | DPS facilities with on-site solar & tree cover density.
Use the buttons in the blue toolbar at the top to switch between the on-site solar and tree cover maps.
Explore How We’ll Get There
Building Envelope
A Sealed Building Envelope
5-Year Goal: Commission two existing building envelopes and incorporate findings into future financial impact assessments
Learn How
SMART Buildings
Knowledge Is Power
5-Year Goal: Implement one fully SMART building, perform a cost-benefit analysis, and create a funding plan for additional SMART buildings.
Learn How
Grounded In Sustainability
5-Year Goal: Create Sustainable Landscape Standard and Implementation Plan
Learn How
Design Standards
Setting The Standard
5-Year Goal: Require Sustainable Design Guidelines to be integrated into all capital improvement decisions
Learn How
Financial Impact
Crunching The Numbers
The Sustainability Team evaluated the financial impact of achieving the electrification, renewable energy, and energy management goals in the Climate Action Plan.
Learn How
47 school buildings currently have solar panels on-site generating electricity. In total, solar panels at these schools produce roughly 10% of the electricity consumed by DPS. Click on the sun icons in the map below to see a link to live electricity generation from solar panels at each school (if available).
Tree cover helps keep temperatures cool during heat waves and reduces the need for air conditioning during summer months. Dark green areas in the map indicate dense tree cover. Schools in neighborhoods with dense tree cover may be less vulnerable to the impacts of extreme heat and use less energy to keep buildings cool.
Active DPS Built Enviroment Initiatives
Active DPS Utilities Initiatives
Renewables | Electrification | Envelope | SMART | Grounds | Standards
Renewables – The Power Cycle
5-Year Goal: 65% of electricity supplied to DPS is renewable.
To reach 65% renewable electricity, DPS will implement design standards to expand on-site rooftop solar, solar shades, and solar canopies. Other programs to help reach the goal will involve community solar and exploration of other renewable energy options where solar is not feasible.
Electrification – Keep Off The Gas
5-Year Goal: Electrify 80% of the heating load for 10 buildings.
It’s not a shock that DPS will use the results of a financial impact assessment to prioritize a list of building electrification projects slated to start in 2023. Electrification will reduce (and eventually eliminate) the use of natural gas as an energy source for DPS buildings.
Bryant Webster
Building Envelope – A Sealed Building Envelope
5-Year Goal: Commission two existing building envelopes and incorporate findings into future financial impact assessments.
The building envelope is the barrier between the inside and outside environments. A well-designed building envelope keeps school buildings at peak energy efficiency. Through identifying building leaks and utilizing emerging technologies, DPS school buildings can achieve high performance energy usage and reduction in waste.
Merrill Middle School
SMART Buildings- Knowledge Is Power
5-Year Goal: Implement one fully SMART building, perform a cost-benefit analysis, and create a funding plan for additional SMART buildings.
Buildings can be smart too! With the goal of having at least one SMART building by 2028, DPS will be working to automate as many operational functions as possible – like HVAC, irrigation, and lighting.
SMART Building | “A smart building uses a range of technology, such as sensors and actuators, to gather activity data on various aspects within the building so it can be analyzed and utilised to find out which operations can run more efficiently.”
Ellis Elementary
Grounds – Grounded In Sustainability
5-Year Goal: Create Sustainable Landscape Standard and Implementation Plan.
School grounds are primed and ready for improvements. From identifying and utilizing sustainable alternatives to fertilizer and pesticides to ensuring accurate inventory to reduce waste and conserve water, DPS will be turning its grounds into highly sustainable and efficient landscapes.
Math and Science Leadership Academy
Design Standards – Setting The Standard
5-Year Goal: Require Sustainable Design Guidelines to be integrated into all capital improvement decisions.
New construction and renovations will use new development design standards that incorporate both existing and emerging technologies and sustainability requirements. These standards will establish a baseline criteria for efficiency and will incorporate the electrification and building envelope projects as well.
Hallett Academy
Recent Built Environment Headlines
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