Gardens Programs and Resources

Welcome to Gardens:

Winter is a wonderful time to plan for spring and prepare the garden to enhance growth in spring.  By feeding the soil we promote a healthy soil ecosystem that will best support plant health, production and the ability to defend against pests and disease.  Adding 1-2 inches of mulch or aged compost will help keep the soil from drying out and will feed the soil ecosystem through the winter.  If you have the ability to water through the winter, sowing a cover crop of oats or clover will improve the soil.

With our extremely warm, windy and dry weather this fall, be sure to water your trees, shrubs, perennials and lawn every 3-4 weeks when their is not snow on the ground. If your school would like to schedule a workday to clean up, please contact Chris at 720-456-9083. Please allow 2 weeks to schedule the workday trailer that has tools, gloves and wheelbarrows.

If you are a community partner or volunteer interested in supporting gardening at a DPS
school that is not affiliated with Denver Urban Gardens, please contact Chris at 720-456-9083.

Quick Links and Resources



Garden Calendar

A convenient guide for when to plant and harvest.

Garden Coalition Manual

A convenient guide for when to plant and harvest.





Welcome Students!

“Wonder is the antidote to apathy. Gardens spark wonder of the natural world and provide sanctuaries for our students and community.”

– Chris, Program Manager